As most of you know we have been collecting money for a Defense Fund in New York. Some of you don't know this because we ran out of the appeal letters before we ran out of people to send them to. Don't feel, how- ever; that because you did not receive one that you can- not contribute or that it is too late, it is not. The sit- uation is as follows;

One of our number, a person of upstanding character and responsibility with an unblemished record was arrest- ed in N.Y. C. on an old, outdated ordinance: was con- victed, given a suspended sentence in spite of the attor- ney's plea that the law under which he was being tried was unconstitutional. Therefore; this decision is being appealed to a higher court. Decisions in appeals Courts are matters of Record and help set precedent for other similar matters elsewhere. Thus it is definitely in the interests of all TVs to help win this appeal. The matter of TVism has never been the subject of an appeal in any state and thus there is no "body of law" to point to when one of us is charged with "masquerading" etc. We hope to remedy that situation through this appeal.

So far we have sent the attorneys $490.00 collected from 70 contributors. Additional moneys have been col- lected in N. Y. and altogether there has been enough do- nated to pay the initial costs of this appeal. I wish to offer not so much my thanks as my congratulations to our readers that so many have recognized the need and have agreed with me on the necessity of doing something about it. However; the job may not stop here! If this appeal is lost it will be carried to a higher court (Even if we win the State can appeal.). This will involve additional expense. So I solicit those of you who have not done your bit to do so and send in what you can, marked as being for the DEFENSE FUND. Any moneys that do not have to be spent on legal costs will be turn- ed over to the Foundation to further other projects it will be undertaking.. So, BE PART OF THE FIRST LEGAL EF_ FORT EVER COLLECTIVELY MADE IN THE INTEREST OF TVs.